Zack always needs a story line, and is always asking, "Make this truck talk to me." My stock answer has always been, "Hi Zack, I'm the truck." But with this new set of construction vehicles, we decided to copy some of Zack's favorite Netflix shows and give each one a signature phrase, and the beginnings of a personality. The excavator says, "I dig it, can you dig it?" He is chill and he is the mediator, and his voice is a little bit jive. The dumptruck says, "That dumps it!" He is emphatic and a little bossy, and is always reminding everybody to follow the plans (especially the bulldozer.) He kind of barks. The bulldozer says, "I am strong like a bull!" in a kind of growl. He always wants to push ahead regardless of the plans. I wanted to make him get sleepy all the time because he is a dozer, but Zack said no, that wasn't good for a construction vehicle. The roller says, "Flat, flat, flat as a mat," and has a flat tone of voice. The loader says, "Get a load of that!" and is excited about everything. He is the team leader, according to Zack. I want to make the roller and the loader female but Zack doesn't want to. We are still working on names. The excavator is definitely Diggerous (all excavators are.) Zack tried to add -ous to the end of all the other vehicles but it didn't sound right, and gender is still being negotiated, so names TBA. Their first job is to make themselves a garage out of blocks. Here they were still working out what their job was going to be. I didn't hear what was going on with the animals---I think they were consulting.

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