Monday, January 9, 2012

Occupy mom

Zack has pretty much settled into three 45-60 min naps a day and a 10-11 hour stretch at night, with multiple nursings. When people ask me if he sleeps through the night, I never know how to answer, because what they really want to know is if *I* get to sleep through the night, and I don't. But *he* does. He fusses and nurses and tosses and turns and rolls and crawls and even (yesterday) claps in his sleep. You can often see him practicing a new skill in his sleep---his little brain just doesn't turn completely off at night. If I play it right, he stays asleep through his periods of restlessness, and I get to go right back to sleep. He is learning (slowly) to settle himself from light restless sleep to deep still sleep, but it helps if I nurse or rock him, so I do. I feel that it is perfectly normal for babies to need their moms or dads at night, and I'm fine with it---I am skeptical about all the sleep training theories and practices that are all the rage in parenting these days.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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