Thursday, March 21, 2013

Seder at school

Here is the Seder table. I was a little nervous about how religious this was going to be, but it was absolutely fine. We had a very sweet Rabbi who is the son of the school's director. The steps of the Seder all involved hand motions or songs or eating something. Dipping foods was a big hit with the 2 year old contingent---Zack had fun dipping celery in salt water and eating it. Christina sitting next to us was more adventurous---she dipped her matzah in salt water repeatedly, and tried dipping things in her grape juice, but the cup was shaped wrong---she also tried to dump the salt water in Zack's grape juice which would have been interesting, but her mom stopped her in time. :) The rabbi said the point of the holiday is to get kids to ask questions and to be inquisitive generally, and experimenting like Christina was doing was not at all discouraged. Zack loved the sandwich idea---but he wanted egg in his sandwich instead of the lettuce they had as bitter herb. He had 3 matzah and egg sandwiches, which he carefully kept together with his fingers while he ate them---impressive, because matzah sandwiches are tricky to handle. He also likes dipping the lettuce in applesauce (bitter herb dipped in charoshes) but said, "Mom eat it."

Matzah ball soup was also a hit---it was pretty good:

Here Zack is having a plague of frogs. Frogs were the only plague we had today. Morah Rivky's version of the Pesach story was very kid-friendly, no dead babies, no blood, not even any bugs. It involved lots of work banging with hammers, then sore backs, then Moses saying, "Let my people go," then frogs on Pharoah's nose and Pharoah saying, "Go, go," then making dough, then parting the water, and then running away with matzah on their backs. The paper plate that Zack is wearing on his back is supposed to be matzah.

And here is the nice Haggadah that Zack made at school:

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